Cannabis is one of the more popular ways to cope with PTSD. Some would advocate that in cures PTSD, others would say it makes it far worse. Neither point of vies is correct. 

The truth lies in between. Proper cannabis use can and does help with PTSD, improper use can make PTSD worse. So the question becomes what is proper and improper. The answer to that is unique to each person. How cannabis works for you is going to be very much a question of how your body tolerates cannabis. 

There are some general guidelines that seem to be true THC alone of any Delta increases anxiety in people with PTSD. THC produces the high that most people are seeking. We also know that CBD alone does calm people with PTSD but that the effect is short lived. 


We know that low doses of THC alone does decrease activity in the amygdala and CBD in low doses does decrease the effects of stress on the body. So the real answer seems to lay in low doses of both THC and CBD. 

So we come to the real answer a balanced low dose approach  to cannabis, at least to start with. As you increase useage you may need to slowly increase your dose. However one thing we can be sure of is that just THC especially in high dosages is known to make things worse for PTSD sufferers. 

Now with in the cannabis community we here about different strains of Marijuana, Indica, Sativa, and Hybrids. Most sources for cannabis information for PTSD recommend Indica. Indica is lower in THC and slightly higher in CBD, most say this gives it the smooth calm effect pot is known for. Meanwhile Sativa is high in THC and low in CBD, giving it much higher psychedelic effect, which can cause worsening in PTSD symptoms. The Hybrids are exactly as they sound, so depending on the exact breed they could be anywhere for THC and CBD. 

So for avid users they may be able to handle higher doses, for beginners start low and go from there. 

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For beginners you may want to look into THC+CBD edibles. These seem to be the clear winner for PTSD. Gummies in particular have become a huge hit for people with PTSD, they often taste good, and can be taken on the down low without others noticing or judging.